Contact for - Dragon fruit cultivation tips ( for first time cultivators )

 This is only a short glimpse for new audiences/clients/customers on dragon fruit cultivation

We use conventional ways as we own a forest farm and to avoid wildlife interruptions, we do not use concrete pillars, but bamboo and other native pillars. Some of the pillars grow alongside

You are good to pluck it even when it's light pink, the sweetness will be the same even if you pluck later. If you delay too much fruit will break open on it's own
The pink red will darken

It will range around 450g. We have got fruits weighing in ranges of 500 , 600 n all, even from the start

Even if the tree may not look big enough , every tree differs and it will bloom, the flower will close in the morning when self pollination had already taken place.

The flower will slowly change to fruit and this is a speedy proces

As the tree grows, it will grow sideways, and you will know where and how to support pillars based on your plant. It will show good roots as it matures
Will form buds like these after max 8months from planting
The buds will grow to the flowering stage and the bud will mature fast. Once you start getting buds there's nothing to worry even if some buds wear off from stems, because there will be a lot more of them that will mature to fruit anyways

We harvest bamboo  from our farm to support the trees so that even in summers when forest farm land soil crack, the trees roots won't be harmed when perched onto organic pillars like bamboo

we take cuttings from our parent trees and prompt their rooting area. As see in here

We provide online cultivation guidance and tips. After receiving the cuttings, feel free to contact our team with your queries and doubts 
